
Our expertise is in supporting and studying the kind of interactions people have while tackling something in the world, without the stimuli needing to be real or the people physically together.

We have:

Extensive experience in developing and studying the use of a range of tele-immersive systems, using both authored and live 3D video reconstruction avatars.

Integrated eye tracking and neuroimaging into a range of immersive and mixed reality displays.

Investigated , collaboration, trust, rapport, engagement, creativity and inhibition.

Designed and commissioned a variety immersive display and capture spaces, including for a laboratory, cooperate space and public place.

And helped some in the NHS and Automobile Industry to take up XR.

This experience is detailed in our academic publications.

Pictures from the past

And here are some fun pictures from prior experience. All of this work was lead by the now CEO of Shared Realities, while a Professor of Telepresence at the University of Salford.

VR Therapy for Manchester Arena Victims

In collaboration with the Manchester Resilience Hub.

Neural activity during shared MR therapy

Neural monitoring of response to Virtual Humans


3D reconstruction used in a remote therapy demonstrator. Left to right: Artoro, Alan and Simon. The latter 2 being reconstructed from a remote location.

Mars Telepresence to support mission planning

Robin Wolf in Salford’s Octave, meeting remote others as (left) authored and (right) 3D reconstructed avatars.

Telethrone – overcoming mona lisa effect.

PhD by John O’have, following initial work by Steve Bowden and BBC R&D’s Bruce Wier.

Video Based Reconstruction telepresence

3D reconstruction system from PhD’s of Toby Duckworth and Carl Moor

Mutual gaze through avatars

Eye-tracking integrated into 3D glasses to drive avatar eyes. In Collaboration between Universities of Salford, Reading and Roehampton and UCL.

Just for fun

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Musician Di Manson plays within a virtual BBC Phillarmonic orchestra while having her motor and and prefrontal cortex activity monitored.

The projects on this page have lead or occasionally co-lead by Sharedrealities founder, David Roberts